coopz is already about two years available on play store to every person who wants to download an app that will help strongly to increase rapidly the chances of finding love. All these years we receive emails from the community or we are hearing and reading untold stories which are making us proud of the great and positive impact that coopz leave to global humanity. By this article you will be able to read many success stories of real people who wanted to share their happiness.
Liz and Max
It was the time that the coronavirus had just begun and after the restrictions applied all the people stayed in homes to avoid an infection. At the beginning the “trial” period was ok but after some days the people had the need to meet new people and link with a new interesting person. Max and Lisa started to search for options to do this connection that they missed so much under the new way of life. After some research they decided to download coopz and that was one of their best moments. coopz helped them to match their common interests and immediately started to chat and explore each other. After some months they decided to arrange a live appointment and they live happily together two years after the first contact.
Frank and Betty
Betty works in the sales department and because of her job she should travel much in order to succeed in her goals. Frank is a bank employee who in comparison with Betty, he doesn't travel at all and works many hours to the bank. Both were single some months ago but both wanted to find a new love that will motivate their lives and will change their mindset. Coopz was the perfect tool for them and after a bit of searching, Frank found Betty and liked her picture. The next part of the story is almost predictable, Betty reacts immediately to his like and both start to explore how many common interests they have and what they miss from their life. Frank found on Betty the motivation to travel and Betty found on Frank the way to enjoy the calm that a home gives.
Anka and George
coopz also helped people that were living thousands of miles away. Nowadays that contact has become more and more digitized and people become more familiar with having a friend who lives far away but the technology brings him close. In this category belongs the next couple Anka and Geroge. Anka lives in Germany and George lives in the USA, both of them have the need to find a person that they will deeply connect with and will find a true friend and love. It was about 6 months ago that both tried coopz to see if the platform has interesting users and without wasting time they both started to find the best matching for them. Anka and George after a few minutes directly realised that they found something special one to the other. They become a couple and they still remain happily and this romantic relationship is waiting for the first live appointment.
Jose and Catherine
This is another interesting case of a successful ending. Jose and Cathrine are colleagues
But they never had the chance to talk to each other even if they were meeting every day at work. But all these changed because of the corona pandemic and coopz. Since they began to work home office, both started to use coopz and after a detailed selection of their interests
They realised that they are both on coopz and they have common interests that would never be able to explore until that moment. So this new contact continued to run for the next weeks and until now they are officially a couple who is very thankful on their favourite app coopz
Bruce and Anne
Bruce and Anne have been together for many years but they broke up 5 years ago. Both have selected to make a new start on their life but in the end nobody found something that could be a possible good match and have a serious relationship. After many tries which were unsuccessful, they decided to use coopz once they learned that there is a high percentage of having a great matching. After a while they realised that they both had profiles on the same app. Bruce started first and liked Anne’s picture and Anne found that funny and she reacted in the same way. The couple after a long period of chatting and flirting via the app, they decided to be together again and they are both happy and have a very interesting life.
Real stories, real names, A true success. coopz all these years was developed to win every challenge and help the people to be together and create lifetime relationships which will remind and be an inspiration that coopz is not just another dating app, coopz is an application that builds happy and positive futures. Our team will continue to develop an application that will create couples and families and we will try to always be in the best position regarding the technology and the innovation. coopz focusing on your needs and dont forget to rate us on Playstore.