The European Union decided to create a digital green certificate that will help the european citizens to return back to the normality as was before the pandemic. For a better understanding of what exactly is the new passport, the official office of the European Union provides the below information. The "digital green certificate" will facilitate safe and free movement within the EU during the COVID-19 pandemic. The digital green certificate, which proves that the holder has been vaccinated against COVID-19, tested negative for COVID-19 or has recovered from COVID-19, can be used in all Member States It can also be applied in Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. Digital Green Certificate will also be open to global initiatives. The certificate system includes three different types of certificates for COVID-19: vaccination certificate, examination certificate and recovery certificate. Certificates can be issued and used in all EU Member States to facilitate free movement. All EU citizens and their family members, as well as third-country nationals who remain or reside in EU Member States, will be eligible for a free certificate. The certificates should include only a minimum set of information necessary to confirm and verify the holder's condition regarding vaccination, examination or recovery.
Is Vaccination mandatory for travelling?
Vaccination will not be a prerequisite for being able to travel. All EU citizens, whether vaccinated or not, have the fundamental right to free movement in the EU. The same principle applies to the rights of third-country nationals who remain or reside in EU Member States and who have the right to travel. in other Member States. The digital green certificate will facilitate the exercise of this right, including through an examination certificate and a recovery certificate. The digital green certificate can serve as proof of vaccination, examination and recovery, as a reason for exemption from restrictions on free movement imposed by a Member State for reasons of public health, such as the requirement of a diagnostic test or quarantine. If a Member State accepts the vaccination certificate as a reason for exemption from restrictions on free movement, it will have to accept the vaccination certificate issued by another Member State in relation to vaccines authorized in the EU. Also every holder of a digital green certificate, when traveling, will have the same rights as nationals of the Member State he / she is visiting, who have been vaccinated, tested or recovered.
Respect the human rights
To ensure respect for the right to free movement in the EU and non-discrimination against those who have not been vaccinated, the Commission proposes to establish not only an interoperable vaccination certificate but also COVID-19 examination certificates and COVID recovery certificates. In this way, as many people as possible will benefit from the issuance of a digital green certificate when traveling.
Which info includes this new pass?
The digital green certificate will contain the necessary basic information, such as name, date of birth, issuing Member State and a unique identification code. More in detail for the vaccination certificate: - vaccine issued and manufacturer of the vaccine, - number of doses - date of vaccination
For the test certificate: type of test, date and time of the test, test center and result; For recovery certificate: date of positive test result, issuer of the certificate, date of issue, expiry date.
Is coopz affected from the creation of the new passport?
These are the main info that the European Union has shared regarding the green pass. coopz is an app that will be directly affected from this change because from the very first moment the users of the app will feel free again to starting having contacts on real! Features like locations will be again on the “game” and the coopzers will start again not just having digital fun but to approach other people as were taking place just before the pandemic.
Summer 2021 will be a unique summer and we hope that this will be the last that humankind will face again. The coopzers after receive their green pass, they will feel that they make a restart because everything will start again but with the feeling of strange The traditional flirt way is something that the people probably according to psychologists will feel awkward at the beginning because of the masks and all the contact restrictions that we have all these months to our life. On the other hand it is huge the desire of the people to throw away all these restrictions and this is the key to put all these bad situations to history. The coopzers starting from this summer will feel for first time all the power of coopz dating app because all the features (likes, chat, profile photos etc) will have another meaning in relation with the past because now all these actions will have as a goal to meet a person that you are interested in, on real and not just have a digital contact.
As a conclusion, the new passport is coming to our lives but with respect to human rights and definitely will not stay here forever. This pass is temporary until the pandemic is over and coopzers are ready to feel free again and have a real contact as was before some months ago. Stay positive and apply for the new passport the faster you can, because summer is coming!